Is It Safe to Vacuum While Pregnant? Read This First

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Vacuuming and mopping are important tasks to help keep the house clean. However, a lot of things change when you are expecting a baby, including what is safe and what is not. Because of this, many mothers-to-be come to us with the important question: is it safe to vacuum during pregnancy?

Is it safe to vacuum while pregnant? Vacuuming during pregnancy is safe. In fact, physical activity and exercise are encouraged during pregnancy. However, as pregnancy hormones reduce your physical capabilities, it is important not to overexert yourself, especially while vacuuming, to avoid injuries.

With that said, there is more to pregnancy and house cleaning in general. In this post, we will answer the question: is it safe to vacuum during pregnancy in greater detail, along with the best tips and tricks to safely vacuum while you are pregnant? After all, your house still needs regular cleaning, right?

Is It Safe to Vacuum While Pregnant?

Generally, vacuuming during pregnancy is not dangerous. However, the answer depends on case by case and largely depends on the amount of physical activity you exert. Firstly, your center of gravity shifts, and your balance changes as your belly grows, leaving you much more at risk of falls.

Secondly, pregnancy hormones will soften your connective tissue, ligaments, and tendons, making you more prone to injury. The biggest risk is sciatica during pregnancy. During cleaning, experts suggest reducing the weight of any load you lift by 20 to 25 percent of what you can manage before pregnancy. 

Other Risk Factors

During pregnancy, your defenses are down, and toxic fumes could irritate your eyes, nose, throat, and lungs. Therefore, it is important to stay as safe as possible and read the labels on cleaning products. Avoid ones that contain chemicals. Instead, look for products labeled nontoxic and all-natural instead.

If you are a pet owner, there is one cleaning chore you need to avoid at all costs during pregnancy. Avoid cleaning the kitty litter. Cat feces can cause you to contract toxoplasmosis, which can have a negative impact on your pregnancy. It can even cause prematurity and, worse, miscarriage. 

All in all, it is safe to vacuum when you are pregnant. In fact, physical activities and exercise are beneficial during pregnancy.

However, as pregnancy hormones soften your connective tissue, ligaments, and tendons, you are more prone to physical injuries. As long as you do not overexert yourself physically, vacuuming is not harmful during pregnancy.

How to Vacuum Safely During Pregnancy

Now that you know vacuuming is safe for you during pregnancy, let us look at some of the best tips and tricks to help you get the job done. After all, there is no denying the fact that you will experience fewer physical abilities as your belly grows. Here is how to vacuum safely during pregnancy:

1. Use an Upright Vacuum Cleaner

While you may not feel it in the beginning, your back will start to ache as you progress in your pregnancy. This is especially true after the fourth month of pregnancy, as your center of gravity shifts. If you do not employ the right techniques while vacuuming, you may run the risk of aggravating back pain.

To mitigate the risk of back pain, it is best to use an upright vacuum cleaner with a long extension. Not only are upright vacuum cleaners lightweight and easy to handle, but they are long enough so that you do not need to arch your back. Be sure to choose the best upright vacuum cleaner for the job. 

2. Use Face Masks

Additionally, wearing a face mask while vacuuming can protect you from harmful particles and allergens. While some particulates are not necessarily harmful, they can cause respiratory distress in high amounts. Even if you use a vacuum cleaner equipped with a HEPA filter, there is no harm in extra protection.

You can expect a high concentration of dust, pollen, and other debris when you are vacuuming an area, especially when you do not clean it as often as you would like. So the next time you vacuum your house when you are pregnant, protect yourself by wearing the right face mask. This simple action goes a long way.

PRO TIP: Have you ever wondered if you should dust or vacuum first? While it is a simple question, many homeowners fail to understand how to do them properly. Read our simple guide to understand the best and optimal way to clean your house effectively. Just be sure to have your face masks on if you are pregnant. 

3. Don’t Stand for Too Long

Last but not least, it is important to pace yourself when vacuuming during pregnancy. Often, the first and third trimesters are marked by intense periods of exhaustion. While 30 minutes of low-to-moderate-intensity physical activity and exercise is recommended during pregnancy, do not push yourself too hard. 

The best way to go about house cleaning while you are pregnant is to do chores in 15-minute segments, ideally one in the morning and one later. Not only is this schedule ideal during pregnancy, but it will also be perfect once your baby has arrived as well. At the end of the day, find out what works for you.

Get Some Help

Vacuuming and keeping your house clean during pregnancy is not easy. We understand that you have a lot to think about and a lot going on. As pregnancy hormones kick in, you can get easily overwhelmed. It is important to note that fatigue during pregnancy is perfectly normal, and it is okay to get plenty of rest.

If you do not feel like vacuuming, consider asking for help. Hire a cleaning expert to help clean and vacuum your house for you if you feel like you need some rest. Fortunately, several services will do a single cleaning of your home. At the end of the day, a little help from others can go a long way. 

Final Words

And there you have it, the complete answer to the question: is it safe to vacuum while pregnant? Vacuuming during pregnancy is not dangerous. However, you need to be aware of what your body is physically capable of as the months go by. Alternatively, you can always ask for extra help. Congratulations on your pregnancy. 🙂

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